Daniel Carr is an Honorary Member of the International Association for the Study or Pain, a Past President of the American Academy of Pain Medicine, and has served in multiple other pain-related professional organizations including the American Society of Anesthesiologists. He has a primary appointment in Public Health and secondary appointments in Anesthesiology and Medicine at Tufts Medical School, where he founded its graduate program on pain research, education and policy. He was inaugural editor for acute pain trials of the Cochrane Collaborative Review Group on Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care and a long-term participant in the ACTTION/IMMPACT initiative. He has over 500 publications spanning pain research, evidence-based medicine, clinical practice and the social aspects of pain relief. He has participated in numerous editorial and governmental advisory boards, most recently Massachusetts’ Governor’s Medical Education Working Group on Prescription Drug Misuse, Mass DPH’s Drug Formulary Commission, the National Academy of Medicine, the US National Pain Strategy, and NIH’s Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee.